Hear from four recent students about their experience on our Appledore Island campus!
Make this the summer you dive into marine science at Shoals Marine Laboratory! Our academic team will help you through all steps of our admissions process. Please follow the steps below, and we look forward to seeing you on Appledore Island this summer!
Step 1: Online Inquiry Form
Students must first submit general information to SML before course registration and formal enrollment. Please use the button below to complete the online inquiry form. You will hear back from an SML Academic Coordinator with further instructions within 4-5 business days.
Step 2: Financial Support & Scholarships
SML offers need-based and merit-based scholarships to eligible undergraduates who enroll in SML credit courses. You can also apply for a student staff job on Appledore Island to offset the cost of your tuition.
Step 3: Pre-Registration
Once your inquiry form and financial support information have been received and reviewed, your SML Academic Coordinator will send you a pre-registration confirmation letter via e-mail, which includes information about course tuition, fees, financial assistance, and enrollment instructions. Students cannot enroll in SML courses until they receive this letter.
Step 4: Course Enrollment
- Financial Support: If you are interested in applying for SML scholarships or SML student staff, please apply for these opportunities before you enroll in a course.
- Enrollment: After March 15, students who have received a pre-registration letter (Step 3 above) should:
- Submit payment amount listed on your pre-registration letter via Cornell Cashnet. Note: This does not show up as a balance due in your bursar account. Be sure to only pay the amount listed on your pre-registration letter. Installment payments are not available for summer courses. Any outstanding balances of $500 or more from previous semesters must be paid in order to enroll in summer courses at Shoals.
- Send an email to Cornell SCE accounting (cusceacct@cornell.edu) notifying them that you have submitted payment. Please include in your email a copy of your SML pre-registration letter (as attachment or in body of email).
- Confirmation: Cornell SCE will verify that payment has been received and will finalize your enrollment. The Cornell SCE office will notify you when your enrollment has been completed. The enrollment process can take between 48-72 hours to finalize.
Please note: Your seat in the course is not reserved until full payment is made and enrollment via Cornell SCE is complete.
- Financial Support: If you are interested in applying for SML scholarships or SML student staff (Step 2 above), please apply for these opportunities before you enroll in a course.
- Registration: Students who have received a pre-registration confirmation letter from an SML Academic Coordinator (Step 3 above) can register through UNH Summer Session in Webcat beginning March 24. Note: UNH students should register for Section 1 of their given course. Instructions for how to register on Webcat can be found here, and include:
- Go to Webcat and login. For login assistance call (603)862-2525.
- Select Registration.
- Select Add/Drop Courses.
- Select Term (e.g., Summer 2024) and Submit.
- Enter your RAC (if applicable).
- Enter the five digit course reference numbers (CRN) at the bottom of the page, or select Class Search. Your course CRN is listed in your SML Pre-registration email.
- Select Submit Changes.
- For a printout of your schedule; go to Student Detail Schedule and choose Printable View.
Webcat | University of New Hampshire
- ?Payment: Full payment will be expected at time of registration to reserve your seat in the course and avoid potential late fees. Please refer to your pre-registration confirmation for your exact payment amount. Payments can be made online or over the phone:
- Online payments can be made in Webcat. Students are charged a 2.85% processing fee if paying online with a credit or debit card. Instructions for submitting payment can be found here. Please note that your Current Balance may not reflect your tuition bill from SML at the time of payment. UNH's Billing office posts student bills on the 10th of every month. Please be sure to pay only the amount shown on your pre-registration letter that you received from SML.
- To pay over the phone, you can reach the UNH Billing Services office at (603) 862-2230. Payment can be made via eCheck by providing bank routing and account information over the phone. There is no processing fee when paying by eCheck.
- If applicable, scholarships will be applied to your account after you register and pay. Only pay the amount you owe as indicated in your pre-registration confirmation.
- Please note: Your seat in the course is not reserved until payment has been made.
- Financial Support: If you are interested in applying for SML scholarships or SML student staff (Step 2 above), please apply for these opportunities before you enroll in a course.
- Account Creation & Registration: For students who have received a pre-registration confirmation from an SML Academic Coordinator (Step 3 above), SML will send a request to the University of New Hampshire (UNH) Registrar's office to assign you a UNH student ID. The UNH Registrar's Office will then send you a "Welcome" email containing your UNH student ID and next steps to activate your account and register for your summer courses. You will need the course reference number (CRN) to complete your registration. The CRN can be found on your pre-registration letter. Registration through the UNH Summer Session begins March 24. Students should register for Section 2 of their given course. Questions regarding this process can be directed to the UNH Registrar's Office at (603) 862-1500 or Registrars.Office@unh.edu.
- Payment: Full payment will be expected at time of registration in order to reserve your seat in the course and avoid potential late fees. Please refer to your pre-registration confirmation for your exact payment amount. After creating your UNH student account, you can make your course payment over the phone or online:
- To pay over the phone, call UNH Billing Services at (603) 862-2230. Payment can be made via eCheck by providing bank routing and account information over the phone. There is no processing fee when paying by eCheck.
- Online payments can be made in Webcat. Please refer to the instructions you received in the "Welcome" email from the Registrar's Office. Additional payment instructions can be found here. Students are charged a 2.85% processing fee if paying online with a credit or debit card. Please note that your Current Balance may not reflect your tuition bill from SML at the time of payment. Please be sure to pay only the amount shown on your pre-registration letter that you received from SML.
- If applicable, scholarships will be applied to your account after you register and pay. Only pay the amount you owe as indicated in your pre-registration confirmation.
- Please note: Your seat in the course is not reserved until payment has been made.
International students only: If you are an international student not currently enrolled in an American institution, you will need to work with your SML Academic Coordinator and UNH's Office of International Students & Scholars in order to obtain the correct visa. This process can take weeks to months to complete, so contact SML as soon as possible to get the process underway.
Accessibility & Accommodations
SML seeks to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where students are able to participate fully in the SML experience. Students have the right (and responsibility) to self-disclose and make use of the services, resources, and accommodations available. Because Appledore Island is a remote location, any special arrangements need time and planning to be enacted. SML appreciates early notification for accommodation requests (3-4 weeks before the course start date). To begin this process, students with disabilities or accommodations must contact the appropriate Cornell or UNH office before beginning their course on Appledore Island and have a plan in place before their course begins:
Cornell and high school students
UNH and all other college students
Faculty members may or may not have final grades ready to share with students by the last day of an SML course. Official grades for SML courses are typically posted via the registrar's office within 3-4 weeks after a course ends. Transcripts can be requested after the summer session ends in late August. (SML cannot request transcripts on your behalf.) To find out your SML grade(s):
- Cornell students: Your SML course grade will be posted to your Student Center, just like a grade in an on-campus Cornell course.
- UNH students: Your SML course grade will be posted to myCourses, just like a grade in an on-campus UNH course.
- Undergraduates from all other schools: A copy of your UNH transcript can be requested online, or by submitting a transcript request form via email, fax, or mail.
- High school students: Use your Cornell NetID to request an official transcript from Cornell. You should have received an email from Cornell IT with your NetID information when you first enrolled in your SML course. If you cannot find your NetID information, contact Cornell IT at itservicedesk@cornell.edu or (607) 255-5500.
E-mail shoals.lab@unh.edu for help or contact an SML Academic Coordinator:
Cornell Students
E-mail Dr. Eugene Won
UNH Students
E-mail Dr. Liz Craig
Other College & High School Students
E-mail Dr. Liz Craig