Students must have completed grades 10, 11 or 12, and received the equivalent of a B- or above in two year-long high school courses in science.
NOTE for international students: Due to unforeseen policy changes, SML is unfortunately unable to support F-1 student visa applications for this upcoming 2025 summer. We hope to be able to do so next summer.
Admissions Overview
SML admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis, which means that we will review and act on complete applications as they are received. Because this application process requires a number of steps (outlined below), we encourage you to apply as early as possible.
Step 1: Online Application Form
Complete the online application form with your general information by clicking "apply" next to your course of interest. If space in the program is full, the "waitlist" link will automatically add your contact information to our waitlist.
Step 2: Email Transcript
Send an e-mail (or have a parent/guardian send an e-mail) to shoals.lab@unh.edu with the subject line: "Application for SML high school course." This e-mail message should include:
- Student name
- First choice SML course and section
- High school transcript (in English and including past and current academic year grades). For students who do not meet the minimum letter grade requirement (the equivalent of a B- or above in two year-long high school science courses), please provide the name and contact information of a teacher or guidance counselor who can speak to your individual circumstances.
Applications will be reviewed in the order they are received as long as space remains available.
Step 3: Notification and Confirmation
Students will be notified via email of their application status, and if accepted, will have two business days to confirm their intent to enroll in the program. After two business days, a spot in the program cannot be guaranteed.
Step 4: Enrollment and Payment
For students who receive an acceptance letter, you will be directed to finalize your registration and payment through Cornell SCE’s online registration system in mid-March.
Students interested in using a 529 savings plan can find more information at https://www.dfa.cornell.edu/bursar/students-parents/paying-your-bill/college-savings-plan
Accessibility and Accomodations
SML seeks to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where students are able to participate fully in the SML experience. Students have the right (and responsibility) to self-disclose and make use of the services, resources, and accommodations available. Because Appledore Island is a remote location, any special arrangements need time and planning to be enacted. SML appreciates early notification for accommodation requests (3-4 weeks before the course start date). To begin this process, students with disabilities or accommodations must contact the appropriate Cornell’s Student Disability Services office before beginning their course on Appledore Island and have a plan in place before their course begins: click here to begin the request process.
Faculty members may or may not have final grades ready to share with students by the last day of an SML course. Official grades for SML courses are typically posted via the registrar's office within 3-4 weeks after a course ends. Transcripts can be requested after the summer session ends in late August. (SML cannot request transcripts on your behalf.) To find out your SML grade(s), use your Cornell NetID to request an official transcript from Cornell. You should have received an email from Cornell IT with your NetID information when you first enrolled in your SML course. If you cannot find your NetID information, contact Cornell IT at itservicedesk@cornell.edu or (607) 255-5500.