Teaching assistants (TAs) are a critical part of the teaching team at SML. TA's may be advanced undergraduates or graduate students. Most of our TA's have excelled in the course in which they are teaching. TAs, students, faculty and staff all live together on Appledore Island in a close-knit, learning community. Summer TA positions are challenging, fun and rewarding!
TA positions for 2024
Undergraduate Courses
- Ecology and the Marine Environment: 1 position
- Shark Biology & Conservation: 1 position
- other positions will be identified as course enrollment is finalized
High School Courses
- Marine Environmental Science: 2 positions
- Introduction to the Biology of Sharks, Skates and Rays: 2 positions
To Apply
Email a cover letter and resume to Dr. David Buck (david.buck@unh.edu).
Your cover letter and/or resume should include the name of each SML course you would like to TA, your dates of availability for summer 2024, and two references (please provide a phone number and email address for each reference). Please also include any prior experiences with SML.
Selection Criteria
- Experience teaching at a university, high school or other field station is required. Shoals alumni are preferred.
- Please review our course pages for information about each course we offer.
- Includes a stipend of $700 per week.
- Room and board, and transportation between Portsmouth, NH and Appledore Island are provided.
- Compensation for TA positions is contingent upon sufficient enrollments (usually 10 enrolled students or more). TAs must pay for their own travel to/from Portsmouth, NH and parking costs (if any).
Duties and Responsibilities
TA positions are full-time for the duration of a course. TAs assist course faculty with all aspects of delivering the course curriculum, and take the lead in preparing for field trips and lab exercises. TAs also assist SML staff with daily and weekly program-related duties that include stocking labs and classrooms, and helping with weekly "food run" activities. TAs should plan on arriving on the first day of the course, unless otherwise instructed by SML staff.
TAs for high school courses are required to live in the dorms with the students to serve as RAs and mentors (RA training will be provided by SML staff). As such, one female TA and one male TA are hired for each high school course.
Employment Details
Hiring documentation is required by Federal Law, and must be completed before arrival on Appledore Island. TAs will be hired through the University of New Hampshire's HR office.