Dive into the blue, while going green!

SML courses cover a wide range of topics including marine evolution, coastal habitat field research, marine mammal biology and shark conservation. Learn from leading experts who have extensive experience both in the specific field of study and at Shoals Marine Laboratory.

High School
Earn your first college credits in SML's intensive marine science courses for high school students. Our Marine Environmental Science course and our Sharks, Skates and Rays course provide invaluable precollege experience for motivated high school students!

Shoals Semester
Spend the entire summer at SML in place of a regular fall or spring semester on campus. Enroll in at least four SML credit courses and accelerate your undergraduate program over the summer! You customize your own Shoals Semester to align with your interests for fulfill specific requirements for your major.

Undergraduate Financial Support
Shoals Marine Laboratory offers financial support and scholarships to all undergraduate students, and applying is easy! Scholarships are both need-based and merit-based. We also offer student staff positions to undergraduates who enroll in an SML course so that students can work at the lab and offset tuition costs.

Tuition & Fees
The cost of each individual course varied depending on the number of credits, length of the course, and the institution the student receives credit from (whether Cornell University or the University of New Hampshire). We provide a breakdown of per credit, per night, and other course fees on this page.

Marine Science Resources
This summer, SML created on-island science content for our academic courses and to share educational resources around the world! Select videos are available for request here for public and university use, with additional seminars and lectures available to the public on our YouTube page.

Teaching at Shoals
Interested in teaching for Shoals? We are always looking for more educators! Review our course proposal process and guidelines.
Live Island Stats
Appledore Webcam
View a live feed of our island campus from the Radar Tower!
Sustainability Dashboard
Appledore's power grid, including solar, wind, generator, and battery status, has a live usage dashboard.
Tide Charts
Tides for Gosport Harbor, NH
Tides for Portsmouth, NH
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